What you didnt know about your BRAIN
Fast Brain Facts 3 = the weight of your brain in pounds 4 to 6 = the number of minutes your brain can survive without oxygen before it starts to die 8 to 10 = the number of seconds you have before losing consciousness due to blood loss 10 to 23 = the number of watts of power your grain generates when you’re awake (that’s enough to turn on a light bulb!) 20 = the percentages of oxygen and blood flow going to the brain 100,000 = the number of miles of blood vessels in your brain 1,000 to 10,000 = the number of synapses for each neuron in your brain 100 billion = the number of neurons in your brain Baby Brains Each person has about the same number of brain cells at birth as in adulthood, but those cells grow, reaching maximum size at about age six. A newborn’s brain triples its size in the first year of life (no wonder babies have such big heads!). The sense of touch is the first sense to ...